Construction Licence 建築牌照


  • 香港政府屋宇署註冊一般建築承建商牌照

                    牌照號碼: GBC 145/98

                    屆滿日期: 25 OCT 2026

  • 香港政府屋宇署註冊專門(地盤平整工程)承建商牌照

                    牌照號碼: SC(SF) 17/98

                    屆滿日期: 19 DEC 2026

  • 香港發展局 「認可公共工程專門承建商(斜坡/擋土牆的防止山泥傾瀉/修補工程)」



Hintak Construction Company Limited has the construction licence as follows:-

  • On the list of Registered General Building Contractor (RGBC) under the contractors registration system with the Buildings Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government.
  • On the list of Registered Specialist Contractor (Site Formation) (RSC(SF)) under the contractors registration system with the Buildings Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government.
  • On the list of approved Specialist Contractor for Public Works Under the Category Landslip Preventive / Remedial Works to Slopes / Retaining Walls administered by Development Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government